Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Genocide in Darfur

In the beginning of the Darfur, Sudan conflict no one directly called it genocide. Darfur was treated as a conflicted region with conflicted people who were essentially killing each other, however, this part of the story was down played by the media and political officials. Darfur received little to no attention until some human rights activists caught on to the indirect language coming out of that region. Then Darfur became a celebrity cause with George Clooney holding the torch.
The Darfur Genocide became all of a sudden media-relevant and politicians were speaking out. A question still remains unanswered, why did the media and politicians downplay this international massacre? The Darfur Genocide is a prime example of an unethical use of the indirect method. Sometimes negative events need direct attention and need immediate action. The initial indirect response to the Darfur Genocide showed that media and politics are both profit businesses. The media circumvented the story while politicians danced around the topic meanwhile thousands were being slaughtered.

Founders of http://notonourwatchproject.org
Don Cheadle
George Clooney
Matt Damon
Brad Pitt
David Pressman
Jerry Weintraub

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